Cet article publié en Israel, sur la perte de poids a été lu par des milliers d’israéliens qui montre la parcours d’une femme qui a montré sa transformation pendant 18 mois sur son compte Instagram et a perdu 60 kilos en respectant ces six règles et beaucoup de motivation.

Voici ce qu’elle a fait pour réussir :

My body has been through SO much over the course of my life. And a lot of those times , I didn’t look very good! But I share this stuff with you because fitness and a healthy lifestyle is MUCH more than those perfect bodies we see all over IG. My goal is to beat the “top right” photo because that was the best version of myself. And yeah, I’m so far from there but I PROMISE you and myself that I will be there again , so I don’t even stress it. I get a lot of questions about motivation. How do I stay motivated all the time? The answer is , I DONT. I am not motivated all the time , trust me. I have rheumatoid arthritis which causes me pain every single day. Who wants to exercise when their body hurts? Nobody. I also have kids which that in itself is a damn work out (Amen , mamas? 😂) but honestly it comes down to this. How bad do you want it? I exercise and eat healthy almost like my life depends on it, because quite frankly … it does. I force myself to be motivated some days because I really don’t feel like doing any of it. Laying on the couch eating pizza sounds much better , but that’s not realistic. You get up and go to work every day whether you truly WANT to or not , right? You’ve got to pay the bills and handle business right? Treat this lifestyle the same way. Your body and your health is JUST as important as your job. And you guys. Look at my body in these different photos . You don’t think I was / am discouraged a lot of the time because of what I look/looked like? I totally am! And I’m insecure and I feel intimidated by the gym sometimes but I WILL NEVER GET BETTER unless I DO BETTER. Every season counts ! I can’t wait to see where my body is in a year! ——————————————————————————— ALSO. 8 week challenge enrollment is NOW OPEN. Starting date is August 20th! Please dm me for more details if interested!

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Cassidy Lind pesait 118 kg pendant sa grossesse « je suis arrivée au point où chaque fois que je me regardais dans le miroir, je ne pouvais trouver une chose qui soit belle chez moi « a dit Cassidy à People.com.

Les dons sont la bienvenue en cette situation particulièrement difficile  :


Elle a décidé qu’elle n’allait pas renoncer, et après la naissance de sa fille, elle a décidé de faire des changements positifs dans sa vie : « Je voulais me regarder et m’aimer » confiait-elle.

Cassidy Lind âgée de 25 ans a commencé ce parcours et après un an et demi, elle pesait  60 kg. Aujourd’hui, elle apprend à devenir une entraîneuse de fitness certifiée et aide d’autres personnes à atteindre leurs objectifs. Mais son parcours n’est pas seulement inspirant pour sa petite fille, mais aussi pour ses 30 000 followers sur Instagram.

Voici les règles :

1. Buvez beaucoup d’eau
Un des conseils communs les plus anciens des régimes du monde, qui à chaque fois a prouvé son efficacité est l’eau : ‘J’ai cessé de faire des excuses et j’ai commencé à boire 3,5 litres d’eau par jour’, a déclaré Cassidy.

I’ve had a lot of requests on what I usually eat so I wanted to share just an average day with you all. I switch my snacks up quite often but I usually stick with the same B,L,&D. My first weight loss , I was always trying to create new substitutions for food and make them healthy but this time around , I’m honestly pretty basic. I enjoy eating chicken and rice every day. I’ve been eating it for about two months now and I’m not going to complain. I’ve got goals so it makes my focus on eating pretty simple! Here is an example of what I eat in a day (plus some or minus some. Also, I don’t count macros or calories right now but sometimes I do. This isn’t what every body needs , this is just what I need!) ———————————————————————————-1. Breakfast: 1/2c of oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk , Cinamon, PB2, and SUGAR FREE vanilla coffee creamer. Also, with 1/2c of egg whites and 1 whole egg on the side 2. Snack: 2 cups of watermelon OR a handful of Cinamon roasted almonds OR a serving of reduced fat wheat thins 3. Post work out: Protein shake with PB whey protein (from GNC) , PB2, Cinamon and unsweetened almond milk 4. Lunch: Chicken, broccoli, and 1/2c of jasmine rice 5. Snack: Caramel rice cake with honey roasted peanut butter and redi whip (best treat EVER) 6. Dinner: Chicken w/ bbq sauce , 3/4c steamers garlic roasted potatoes & broccoli This is an average day for ME and it’s what works for ME. When I prep my lunches & dinners, I freeze half . They stay WAY better than refrigerating everything at once. Also, swipe over to see a short cardio bleacher circuit starring my best friend! 1. Set a timer for 15 minutes 2. Run up every step 3. Run up every other step 4. Karaoke steps to the right 5. Karaoke steps to the left 6. Repeat until time is up 7. Run the track

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2. Un menu simple
Cassidy mange principalement du poulet, du thon, de la dinde, des fruits, des légumes et des grains entiers. Mais elle préfère ne pas appeler cela un régime. Elle dit que la différence entre le régime et le mode de vie devrait être pris en compte :  « Si c’était un régime, j’aurai complètement échoué. Parce que c’est un mode de vie, je continue simplement là où je me suis arrêtée et progresse à partir de là. Dans tous les cas, rassemblez-vous si vous vivez cette experience à deux et continuez à aller de l’avant », a t-elle écrit sur Instagram.

3. Ne comptez pas les calories
Étonnamment, Lind n’a pas à compter toutes les calories qu’elle ingurgite pour conserver son poids. Elle met l’accent sur une alimentation saine jusqu’à ce qu’elle ressente la satiété. ‘Je sais ce que mon corps a besoin, alors je mange en conséquence’, a-t-elle écrit. ‘Le comptage des calories aurait conduit à des résultats plus rapides, mais cela me cause trop de stress .’

I’m always so happy for other people and sometimes forget to be happy for myself. My sister had a good, long talk with me about changing the way I think. If someone else was to tell me they lost weight, I would be like “HELL YEAHHHH YES QUEEN. You are amazing and you should be SO proud of yourself.” But when I lose weight , I tell myself “this isn’t good enough. Lose more. Work harder.” Like what?! I legitimately get excited when other people reach their goals but when I do , that’s how I treat to myself? So—no. No more. I’m going to do my best to be proud of myself with everything I do. So with that being said … I got over my plateau and I’ve lost a total of 42 pounds since Baby Blake so BOOM. YAS QUEEN👸🏼

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I’m baaaaack! After a long 9 months of pregnancy and eating pretty much whatever I want , I am back on my health grind for #WeightlossStory number two! I gained a total of 70 pounds with this pregnancy (I only gained 60 with Harley). AND , I worked out and ate healthy for about 50% of it. But, shit happens and I have a beautiful baby and I am happy as a clam! My body is badass and has given me two children so why would I complain? I have lost about 25 pounds since having her (last Thursday). I have a long way to go but to me, this is just another part of this “lifestyle.” I’ve said it a million times , THIS IS NOT A DIET. I lost a ton of weight, gained some back, and now here I am to lose it again and I have no worries that I won’t be able to. Fitness and health is my obsession, my hobby, my job, and I took a little break to focus on my growing daughter but it’s time to lock it down now. I don’t want to rush my body into something it’s not ready for physically, but as far as nutrition goes … I have actually been eating clean since the day I had her. My first meal after labor was a grilled chicken wrap from Chick fi la with diet lemonade. As for my first meal prep now, it’s just the basics y’all! Don’t overthink meal prepping or it could cause some serious stress. My hubby grilled my chicken for me and I threw in some veggies and 1/2c rice. Simple does the trick. It doesn’t have to have 20 ingredients , LESS IS MORE. Always try to plan your plate according to 1 protein , 1 carb, and 1 veggie. It feels so good to be back in my element and I’m super excited!

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4. Préparer des repas à l’avance chaque semaine
Lind ajoute que ses repas peuvent parfois se répéter. Le poulet, le riz et les légumes sont l’un de ses choix les plus courants. Et elle prépare toujours les repas à l’avance un jour de la semaine pour les autres jours et évite donc de tenter de manger des repas malsain à l’extérieur.

5. La gym
Dans le passé, elle n’aimait pas aller à la salle de gym, mais aujourd’hui, elle se force a faire du sport cinq jours par semaine. « Lorsque vous commencez à voir des résultats, cela devient une dépendance. Certains jours vous n’avez pas trop envie d’aller, mais vous le faites quand même ! »

Wedding Shenanagins 🎉

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6. Suivre les changements et le résultat des efforts tous les jours 
Cassidy fait remarquer que l’un des principaux secrets pour une meilleure motivation est de montrer ce qu’elle fait sur Instagram, tout en documentant ses progrès visuellement et au public « Mes fans qui pensaient que je les motivaient, ne savaient pas en fait qu’ils étaient, eux, une motivation pour moi ! », dit-elle.

“You are not in competition with anyone else. Plan to outdo your past , NOT other people.” These photos were taken 17 months (or 538 days) after the day I had Harley. It was the day I finally reached my goal weight. My goal weight was 132 pounds and I weighed in at 131.8. This day was a very emotional and happy day for me! For 17 months , people asked me what I did. My response? “Whatever it takes.” I started at 260 pounds and I worked my ass off to get down to that weight so finally seeing it was a HUGE accomplishment for me. There are millions of women out there who inspire us or motivate us to keep going or be better than yesterday. But this time around, there is really no one more inspiring than my old self. I look through old photos of myself and literally watch my body go from obese and overweight down to skinny and fit. I guess I never appreciated my body the first time around and was never truly proud of myself. But looking back now? I can’t even believe that was me! I look at my old self like she is a complete stranger now and all I can think of is “DAMN. If she can lose -130 pounds in 17 months, I can do anything.” And trust me y’all, I’ve got to go look back on some self motivation almost every day to keep my head above water. Losing weight is hard work , yes. But the mental side is something no one can truly understand until they’ve been through it. Stop comparing yourself to other people. You can use other women for motivation but don’t use them to tear yourself down. If you continuously compete with other people, you become BITTER. If you continuously compete with yourself, you become BETTER. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do! Get better! There is plenty of finish line for all of us! I’m coming for you goals… and I’m hungry 😈

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En plus de son compte Instagram, Cassidy a également publié un journal intime où elle documente ses progrès, y compris les changements dans sa remise en forme.