Les dons sont la bienvenue en cette situation particulièrement difficile :
Les dons sont la bienvenue en cette situation particulièrement difficile :
Lettre ouverte à Bibi
Laissez-moi vous raconter une petite histoire authentique.
Mon fils David a un ami, Patrick, un garcon bien élevé, ouvert, serviable qui nous a aidé hier à déménager.
Sachant que je suis Juif, et que j´avais vécu 5 ans en Israël, il en profita pour me poser quelques questions :
– Pourquoi Israël construit-il illégalement des colonies ?
– Pourquoi Israël a-t-il chassé les palestiniens en 1948, et volé leurs terres ?
– Pourquoi Israël soumet Gaza à un blocus et condamne les gazaouites à la misère ?
– Pourquoi Israël bloque-t-il les efforts de paix ?
Je répète : Il s’agit d’un garçon aimable, avec lequel j’ai de très bonnes relations, pas du tout antisémite et qui voulait s’informer.
Je lui ai beaucoup expliqué et je lui ai envoyé plusieurs liens rétablissant la vérité.
Je raconte cela, car j’ai été effrayé de voir à quel point la propagande palestinienne avait réussi à pourrir les esprits, y compris de ceux qui sont bien intentionnés.
Tout le monde sait que nous avons perdu la bataille de la communication…Même Ehoud Barak l’avait reconnu en son temps …!
Et comment réagissons-nous ? En nous plaignant de l´antisémitisme des médias qui nous chargent de tous les péchés…d´Israël.
Arrêtons-nous un moment, cessons de nous plaindre et de rejeter la faute sur les méchants antisémites (qui existent, bien sûr, je ne le nie pas) et demandons-nous quelle est notre part de responsabilité dans ce désastre, car c’est un désastre !
– Pourquoi a-t-il fallu plus de dix ans pour réagir à l’affaire du petit Mohamed Dura et au livre de Charles Enderlin « Un enfant est mort » ?
– Pourquoi a-t-il fallu que ce soit une télévision allemande et un français (Philippe Karsenty) qui se battent pour l´honneur de Tsahal et sans aucun soutien de la part d’Israël ?
– Pourquoi n’avons-nous pas un service de contre-propagande offensif qui utiliserait tous les moyens psychologique et émotionnels modernes ?
– Pourquoi nous contentons-nous de cette Hasbarah qui ne sert à rien ?
(Hasbarah vient de « Lehasbir », c’est à dire expliquer. Or, expliquer ne fait pas réagir les centres émotionnels du cerveau. Résultats :Nuls)
– Pourquoi n´envoyons-nous pas des clips-vidéos de femmes palestiniennes qui se plaignent de leur misère due au machisme des palestiniens (MEMRITV) à toutes les associations féministes de France et de Navarre (et d’Europe aussi).
– Pourquoi n´y a-t-il pas de clips vidéos (publicités payées par Israël et les associations juives de Houtz laaretz) dans les chaînes télévisées de France et d’Allemagne ?
– Pourquoi libérons-nous des assassins pour avoir l’honneur douteux de négocier avec Mahmoud Abbas qui ne veut pas de paix et dont les ministres attaquent ouvertement israël et qui appellent à tuer les Juifs ?
– Pourquoi n’attaquons-nous pas sans relâche la corruption palestinienne, les crimes d’horreur (je me refuse à les nommer « crimes d´honneur » ! Quel honneur mon Dieu ?), les assassinats, les tortures, les exactions du fatah et du hamas sur leur propre population…
– Pourquoi n´avons-nous pas, au lieu de textes touffus, juridiques et exhaustifs que personne ne lit (même pas moi), un texte court et incisif rétablissant sur 1-2 pages, accompagnés de liens, la vérité sur Israël.
Maspik veday, Monsieur le Premier Ministre !
Je vous envoie ci-dessous mes propositions pour une contre-propagande offensive et efficace.
Je suis prêt à l’organiser en collaboration avec vos services.
Nous n´avons que trop attendu. Le temps est venu de réagir !
Avec force, créativité, efficacité.
Sincères amitiés
Edmond Richter
Dr. rer.nat. Edmond Richter
Praxis für Humanistische Psychologie
Wiedigstr.18, 77815 Bühl (Baden)
Tel.: 00 49 7223 915 90 04
Fax: 00 49 7223 915 03 30
E-Mail: [email protected]
Open letter to Bibi
Let me tell you a true story .
My son David has a friend, Patrick , a well-mannered boy , open and friendly who helped us yesterday to move.
Knowing that I ‘m Jewish and that I lived 5 years in Israel, he took the opportunity to ask me some questions:
– Why do Israel built illegally colonies?
– Why Israel threw out the Palestinian in 1948 and stole their land?
– Why Israel jails Gaza and condemns the inhabitants to misery ?
– Why Israel blocks all the peace efforts ?
I repeat : This is a friendly boy, with whom I have very good relations , he is not at all anti-Semitic.
I told him a lot and have sent him several links to restore the truth upon Israel and the Palestinians.
I tell you this because I was afraid to see how Palestinian propaganda had succeeded in rotting and poisoning minds , including those who are well-intentioned .
Everyone knows that we have lost the battle of communication … Even Ehud Barak had recognized in his time … !
And how do we react ? We complain about antisemitism in the media that charge us for all the sins … of Israel.
Let us stop for a moment , let’s stop complaining and blaming the antisemit people (who exist , of course, I do not deny it ) and ask ourselves what is our responsibility in this disaster, because it is a disaster!
– Why did it take Israel more than ten years to respond to the case of Mohamed Dura and to the book of Charles Enderlin « A child is dead » ?
– Why must it be that a German television and a french Politician (Philippe Karsenty ) are fighting for the honor of the IDF and without any support from Israel ?
– Why don´t we have an offensive counter- propaganda service that would use all the modern psychological and emotional resources?
– Why are we satisfied with this “Hasbarah” that doesn´t help
us ?
( “Hasbarah” comes from » Lehasbir » , what means to explain.
Explanations don´t reach the emotional centers of the brain . Results: zero )
– Why don´t we send Videos from Palestinian women who complain about their misery due to machismo Palestinian
( MEMRITV ) to all feminists associations from France ( and Europe too)
– Why are there no videos clips ( paid advertisements by Israel and Jewish associations ) in television channels in France and Germany ?
– Why are we releasing murderers to have the dubious honor of negotiating with Mahmoud Abbas (who does not want peace) and whose ministers openly attack israel and call to kill Jews?
– Why don´t we attack relentlessly Palestinian corruption , crimes of horror (I refuse to call them » honor killings ») , murder , torture , extortion done by the fatah and the hamas on their own population …
– Why don´t we have a short and incisive text (1-2 pages with links) restoring the truth about Israel instead of long ,juristic and incomprehensive texts that nobody reads (not even me)
Maspik veday , Mister Prime Minister !
I send you below my suggestions for an offensive and efficient counter-propaganda organisation that will really counter-attack the palestinian propaganda.
I am willing and ready to implement it in collaboration with your services.
We have waited too long . It is time to react !
With efficiency,.strength, and creativity.
Kind regards
Edmond Richter
Dr. rer.nat . Edmond Richter
Praxis für Humanistische Psychologie
Wiedigstr.18 , 77815 Bühl (Baden)
Tel.: 00 49 7223 915 90 04
Fax: 00 49 7223 915 03 30
E- Mail: [email protected]
Principles of offensiv counter-propaganda
In my last article « Being a victim? No, thank you! « I lashed out against the serious mistakes that we make in our counter-propaganda, the so-called « Hasbarah.' »
I explained that our victimhood attitude strengthen our adversaries and weaken us. Today I want to show what an effective offensive propaganda must be.
Our counter-propaganda must be divided into three different categories:
1. The counter-propaganda by persuasion (for internal use)
This one is to provide ourselves, Jewish and non -Jewish supporters of Israel, with arguments often poorly known (or embedded in a mass of boring documents) proving the legitimacy of Israel since the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the San Remo Conference in 1922, the UN decision in 1947 : the international law arguments abound.
Added to these, are stories of travelers, declarations of statesmen, quotes from the Koran itself in favor of the right of Jews to the Holy Land (yes, yes, true !) … Etc
Instead of fully detailed, boring texts we need an accurate summary clear and punchy, with references allowing the reader to deepen the matter and verify the facts.
Every Jew, every non-Jewish friend of Israel must be able to impress his interlocutor with a three minute speech of fundamental and indisputable facts and be ready to get internet links to reference texts.
(Warning, among these reference texts, religious arguments such as: « God promised us the land of Israel three thousand years ago » should be avoided. Our enemies have nothing to do with this promise! Only facts and always facts!)
In addition we should know thoroughly the arguments of our enemies and organize within Jewish communities, counter-propaganda sessions with play role where some of us would play the part of anti-Semites to learn how to counter them.
2. Emotional counter-propaganda, addressed to a huge mass of French, European and American citizens given the nature of our current dismal Hasbarah, make them sooner or later lean on the side of our enemies. They are the ones we have to win over and build support to our cause!
First analyze the reasons for this shift towards our enemies.
The first reason is basic and simple at the same time:
Our enemies practice emotional propaganda (fake pictures of bloodied children, videos of mothers screaming in pain, manipulation of language : « settlers » , « colonies » , « Zionists » , « occupied territories » , « apartheid « , » Gaza: open prison » etc …) while we do the » Hasbarah ! »
» Hasbarah » comes from » Lehasbir » explain. We explain too much, we give explanations. But, there is a fundamental principle in psychology that between the explanation and the emotion, it is the emotion that engraves deeper into the brain and that therefore supersedes the explanation, always !
In addition, we strive to address the emotional propaganda of our opponents with explanations that only serve to strengthen them: « If they
(the Israelis) feel the need to explain, that’s because they feel guilty: There is no smoke without fire! »
The second reason is our victim attitude, of lambs being slaughtered .
Peel the on- line pro-Israel press as well as blogs and you will see that I am right: We cry out the appalling crimes of Islamists and thereby we make the worst mistake in political propaganda: that of portraying the enemy under terrifying colors, which strengthens him and inspires terror to our allies and neutrals who consequently adopt a low profile.
German socialists made the same mistake by painting Hitler as a butcher dripping with the blood of his victims.
And they inspired terror in their own troops and in brave citizens who lined up on the side of the fittest … Some socialists eventually ended up in concentration camps as well.
Instead, here are some examples of emotional pro-Israel counter- propaganda:
– « Gaza open-air prison » with photos of luxury hotels
– Photos of children full of blood flowing from the sheep slaughtered for Aid El Adha
– Photos of a Muslim mother inflicting bloody wounds to his child for the Aschoura festivities
– Khaled Meshaal calling for war against Israel and next to him a banner « France invests 200 million euros in Gaza”
– Map of the Middle East where tiny Israel appears in the mass of Arab countries.
– Declaration of an Islamic Imam saying that the women who demonstrate in Tahrir Square want to be raped (to be sent to all feminist organizations … )
– And so on…
3. Counter – offensive propaganda addressed to Islamists, to Palestinians, to all the notorious anti-Semites.
The golden rule is « Never explain, never complain! »
But it is recommended to:
1) Mock them:
– Show pictures of Ismaïl Haniyeh, Khaled Meshaal or Nasrallah with a Ping-Pong ball on the nose or crimson with a funnel on his head. Ditto for the DVD of their speeches (with laughter in the background).
– Disseminate the video sequence of a belly dancer who mocks Mohammed Morsi
– The IDF soldier harassed by the little blonde should have paid her a bottle of mineral water on the head.
– Disseminate their ridiculous decisions:
* burkas for 2 years old girls
* banning the sale of cucumbers (they look like penises)
* the joke of the week: Hundreds of Egyptians demonstrate to reclaim Andalusia.
2) Attack them (for acts that shock the human values )
– Pedophilia, mass marriages between powerful men and prepubescent girls
– Video on how to beat one’s wife
– Support muslim women who revolt against the oppression of muslim male
– Prosecution in courts when they pray in the streets
– Insist on how mentally retarded they are
– Support of Charlie Hebdo for his caricatures of Mohammed
– Declare that Muhammad was a pedophile (he married Aischa who was 6 years old, deflowered her at 9 years old!)
3) Celebrate our triumphs: show our strength, our joy of life, our success!
– Compare the number of Arab and Jewish Nobel prizes (per million inhabitants)
– Compare the number of illiterate among Jews and Arabs (per million inhabitants)
– Compare the number of Jewish and Arab scientific publications (per million inhabitants)
– Disseminate Pat Condell videos, those of Wafa Sultan, Churchill quotes
– Compare the much higher number of Islamic wars to the number of wars made by other religions.
4) Words and expressions to be radically banished from our anti- propaganda (about Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims)
« Cruel « , » wild » barbarians « , » bloody « , » tyrannical » , » bad faith « , » traitors « , » false » , » terrible » … » ruthless and cruel war against the Jewish state »
That’s the best way to flatter them!
These words and phrases are to be replaced by :
« Mentally retarded « , « pedophile « , « mentally ill « , « idiots », « morons « ,
« ignorant »
« Incompetent » traitors to Islam » “degenerate », “ unfortunate fools « ,
« ridiculous »
« Hamas Puppets « , « The Hamas unwinnable war against the Hebrew State”
In summary: « Never explain, never complain » but « Attack, mock, triumph »
1. Goal:
What do we want to achieve?
– That Muslims understand us?
– That Westerners understand us?
– That they all take pity on us?
For me the answer is:
– Let our enemies be weakened
– Let our people be strengthened.
2. Material resources:
2.1 A modern anti-propaganda plant with all the needed hardware.
2.2 A Taskforce composed of psychologists, sociologists, creative artists, unconventional minds, experts in social media
2.3. A pro-Israel Al Jazeera
2.4 Funding
a) State of Israel
b) Jewish Communities
c) Jews of the world as we did for the KKL
2.5 A tight network of relationships with all blogs, on- line magazines, newspapers, radio, television … with unlimited copyright and distribution.
Entertain a network of philo-Semitic and pro-Israel who support our values and disseminate them.
2.6 In all Jewish communities there will be lessons and lectures of anti-propaganda, role play, acting classes, emotional posters competitions, CD’s, DVD’s, meetings, trainings in Martial Arts (Krav Maga ) trainings to Makel, local networks mobilized very quickly …
3. Strategy:
3.1 Analyze the core values in the West: Freedom of expression, human rights for men and women, religious tolerance, equality before the law, respect for minorities
3.2 Show by all emotional ways how those values are ignored in the Arab countries.
3.3 show how these values are lived in Israel, show the contribution of Israel and the Jews in the world; All of these, not as ad hoc basis but repeatedly, in a cumulative and emotional way.
3.4 Creating networks of rapid and massive diffusion in the online press. (Not wanting to reproduce an article because it has already been published elsewhere is not eligible. Similarly we need to encourage readers to participate in article writing. It’s time to pull ourselves, to abandon our ghetto mentality (Benny Ganz) and recapture the spirit and combativeness of the Maccabis!
By Edmond Richter for Alyaexpress -News
Par Edmond Richter pour Alyaexpress-News