Ce vendredi au coucher du soleil, les Juifs ont célébré le jour le plus important de l’année – Yom Kippour, ou le Jour du Jugement. Selon la tradition religieuse, le Créateur pardonne (selon ses mérites) au peuple d’Israël tous ses péchés passés et chaque Juif commence une nouvelle vie avec une ardoise propre.
Yom Kippour est la seule fête religieuse que la plupart des Juifs laïques respectent dans le monde entier. Selon les enquêtes de l’an dernier, deux tiers de la population juive d’Israël se sont rendus dans les synagogues pour Yom Kippour, et près de 100% se sont abstenus de l’utilisation des véhicules.
Concernant la sécurité du pays, la police était présente à proximité des implantations juives, depuis hier 14h00, les transports publics d’Israël ont cessé de fonctionner, y compris les chemins de fer et l’aéroport Ben Gourion. Le premier train après le Yom Kippour est parti ce soir de Nahariya et l’aéroport va débuter ses vols à partir de 23h13.
Les dons sont la bienvenue en cette situation particulièrement difficile :
Toutefois, cette année, pour la première fois en 33 ans, le jour de Yom Kippour a coïncidé avec l’Aïd – le jour le plus joyeux et bruyant de l’année musulmane, des fêtes en famille et avec des amis. Pour les musulmans israéliens qui se chiffre à 20% de la population, cette coïncidence présente de sérieux inconvénients en raison des restrictions de la circulation.
Les années précédentes, Israël a permis à de nombreux Palestiniens de rendre visite à leurs parents israéliens, mais cette fois-ci, comme ce fut le vendredi soir de Yom Kippour, l’armée israélienne a fermé la frontière qui longe les villages palestiniens. La Police a soulevé le niveau de sécurité au maximum, craignant des affrontements et des troubles pour des motifs religieux. Le service de sécurité et de grandes forces se sont concentrés à Jérusalem-Est et à Hébron.
Dans les villes mixtes (arabes et juifs), les dirigeants des communautés religieuses se sont mis en accord avec les responsables de la ville sur le «mode de célébration», qui permet d’éviter les soucis.
Pour la ville d’Acre, les musulmans ont convenu de reporter les célébrations et les fêtes au dimanche, a rapporté l’AFP selon les paroles du représentant local de la communauté musulmane. La même source a indiqué que les musulmans de Jaffa ont été autorisés à commencer la célébration, samedi soir, à la fin de Yom Kippour.
If up until recently there was no need to pay a great deal of attention to the Mosaic Religions it is now imperative to take a second look at the connecting link that supposedly exists between these Religions and God. Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the Old Testament written by Moses as God’s Law. The Old Testament is based on the Ten Commandments and on the alleged Divine messages given to Moses for all of Mankind. What should capture the attention is the narrative of this event. In our days, it would not be believable the story of a man who claims to have spoken with God while he was alone on a mountain and that carries two stones carved by God’s finger. Instead, beyond all the logic and without any support, this claim from Moses became the single foundation upon which these 3 Religions were built. Besides that, recent studies and researches have all confirmed that the Old Testament was written by several people who had lived in different times. It comes as a surprise the fact that the result of these studies produced by religious scholars is in net contrast with the doctrine taught by their own Religions or that Moses in the Old Testament had reported God’s textual words and wrote them by his own hand. The difference between these two versions is unbridgeable although after thousands of years the two now overlap. The hope is that this millenary lie can show its color in front of One eternal Truth. Because of the fantasies invented in the Bible it will be almost inevitable that Humanity will have to face insurmountable obstacles. A small ground in Jerusalem represents a deeply rooted split between Jews and Muslims. The Jews believe their Messiah will come to Israel only after the Temple built for King Solomon and King Herod (and destroyed the first time in 586 B.C. and a second time in 70 A.D.) will be rebuilt for the third time in the same place as residence for their new King and Messiah. Today in Jerusalem a very large Mosque, Al Aqsa,is built right over the ruins of that Temple. The Muslims believe their Prophet Mohammed ascended to Heaven just from that site which is a place as holy for the Muslims as it is also for the Jews. Today it is difficult to imagine the Muslims in Jerusalem to generously offer to destroy their Mosque for the Jews to rebuild their Temple. Similarly difficult is to imagine the Jews abandoning the idea to receive their own Messiah. The solution is to be found elsewhere and well beyond the 2 Religions. Although all people were made to believe that to accept science is to also reject the faith in God we should have instead an understanding of God that is not in contrast with science. Religion could then look beyond the same science without having to hold hostage the human Mind for centuries.
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If up until recently there was no need to pay a great deal of attention to the Mosaic Religions it is now imperative to take a second look at the connecting link that supposedly exists between these Religions and God. Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the Old Testament written by Moses as God’s Law. The Old Testament is based on the Ten Commandments and on the alleged Divine messages given to Moses for all of Mankind. What should capture the attention is the narrative of this event. In our days, it would not be believable the story of a man who claims to have spoken with God while he was alone on a mountain and that carries two stones carved by God’s finger. Instead, beyond all the logic and without any support, this claim from Moses became the single foundation upon which these 3 Religions were built. Besides that, recent studies and researches have all confirmed that the Old Testament was written by several people who had lived in different times. It comes as a surprise the fact that the result of these studies produced by religious scholars is in net contrast with the doctrine taught by their own Religions or that Moses in the Old Testament had reported God’s textual words and wrote them by his own hand. The difference between these two versions is unbridgeable although after thousands of years the two now overlap. The hope is that this millenary lie can show its color in front of One eternal Truth. Because of the fantasies invented in the Bible it will be almost inevitable that Humanity will have to face insurmountable obstacles. A small ground in Jerusalem represents a deeply rooted split between Jews and Muslims. The Jews believe their Messiah will come to Israel only after the Temple built for King Solomon and King Herod (and destroyed the first time in 586 B.C. and a second time in 70 A.D.) will be rebuilt for the third time in the same place as residence for their new King and Messiah. Today in Jerusalem a very large Mosque, Al Aqsa,is built right over the ruins of that Temple. The Muslims believe their Prophet Mohammed ascended to Heaven just from that site which is a place as holy for the Muslims as it is also for the Jews. Today it is difficult to imagine the Muslims in Jerusalem to generously offer to destroy their Mosque for the Jews to rebuild their Temple. Similarly difficult is to imagine the Jews abandoning the idea to receive their own Messiah. The solution is to be found elsewhere and well beyond the 2 Religions. Although all people were made to believe that to accept science is to also reject the faith in God we should have instead an understanding of God that is not in contrast with science. Religion could then look beyond the same science without having to hold hostage the human Mind for centuries.