Selon son auteur, la vidéo suivante s’adresse aux Juifs vivant à l’extérieur d’Israël. C’est un enfant autiste qui a décidé de transmettre à ses compatriotes Juifs un message très important.
Toute personne vivant en dehors d’Israël devrait regarder cette vidéo. Pour rappel, les enfants autistes ne sont pas seulement des enfants avec un cerveau endommagé, mais ce sont des âmes avec un très haut niveau spirituel (de Neshamot).
Ils viennent souvent d’une incarnation précédente (גלגול). Ils sont venus dans ce monde pour effectuer un petit tikun (correction). Certains d’entre eux ont reçu l’autorisation du ciel d’avertir les Juifs des choses à venir.
Les dons sont la bienvenue en cette situation particulièrement difficile :
Dans cette conférence, Moishela a prédit que d’ici 2014 Chanuka, il y aura beaucoup de choses effrayantes qui vont se passer dans le monde. La seule façon de changer cela est de faire Techouva (revenir à la Thora et Mitsvot).
Il y a de nombreux messages de ce jeune autiste au sein des médias américains, comme celui-ci :
» Le monde que nous connaissons touche à sa fin. Cela est déjà très clair pour la plupart des gens. Des choses étranges se produisent dans la nature, et clairement le monde est dans un mouvement inquiétant comme avant la Première Guerre mondiale Hachem yishmor, mais cette fois-ci la guerre sera pire et plus destructrice que jamais.
Comme nous le savons depuis les prophéties [de la Torah], un tiers du monde sera complètement détruit [Zecharia 13 ] sans laisser même une petite créature vivante. Un autre tiers du monde sera très gravement touché et un dernier tiers du monde, y compris Erets Israël ne sera pas lésé [sauf pour les reshaim ].
Aujourd’hui, nous sommes debout sur le seuil de la grande explosion. « La nature », comme nous l’appelons, a de grandes surprises pour nous, effrayantes et dévastatrices. Nous ne pourrons bientôt plus l’appeler « la nature », car il sera évident que tous ce qu’il vient est directement de Hachem.
L’homme ira à la guerre et ce sera aussi une horrible guerre, au-delà de la croyance d’un être humain normal. Ce n’est qu’un petit coup d’oeil dans l’avenir.
Vous vous demandez que pouvons-nous faire à ce sujet?
La plupart des gens choisissent simplement de l’ignorer, et nous espérons que les signes que nous recevons, ces signes évidents et clairs que nous obtenons à partir du Ciel vont tout simplement disparaître, s’évaporer comme si que rien n’était. Mais nous ne pouvons pas. Les Juifs qui veulent survivre doivent commencer à faire un réflexion sur eux même {Mesilas Yesharim, chapitre 3].
Le Maitre du Monde a maintes fois dans notre histoire amené le Am Yisrael vers la douleur, la souffrance et la mort, et quelques fois de manières des plus horribles.
Parce que son fils préféré s’est écarté de lui, et pour sauver son premier-né, il a dû le punir pour le ramener à la vérité. Et aujourd’hui, nous vivons dans un monde de mensonges presque totale. Le Egel Hazahav (le veau d’or qui représente l’idolâtrie et la matérialité) est le principal «dieu» de la plupart des chrétiens, des musulmans et des Juifs.
Il y a B »H encore quelques Juifs qui se tournent avec une détermination farouche vers leur Créateur et Sa Torah. La plupart des Juifs qui étudient pensent être rattachés à Hakodosh Boruch Hu, mais en réalité, la plupart sont accrochés à la queue du Egel Hazahav.
Alors, que pouvons-nous faire ?
Chaque Juif doit sortir de son être avec une pince à épiler tout le Egel Hazahav qu’il a à l’intérieur de lui-même, et il faut rejeter et renoncer à tous les mensonges du Olam Hazeh (ce monde ici) dont nous sommes si friand. On préfère « cacher » ses vacances en Suisse, que de s’asseoir et apprendre à vivre une vie austère mais vraie et juive……
Mes chers frères et sœurs qui n’écoutez pas ces mots, si vous ne faites pas de réflexion sur vous même; vous allez disparaître pour l’éternité, chas vesholom. Parce que Hachem est en train de détruire le monde des mensonges, et fait ressortir toute la création et la diffusion du Monde de la Vérité. Une personne qui vit une vie de mensonges ne peut jamais vivre dans le monde de la vérité, ne peut pas coexister avec la Vérité, qui englobe tout. ….
Regardez ce qui se passe en Israël. La communauté est divisée dans tous les sens… plupart profitent aujourd’hui d’un niveau de matérialité qu’ils n’ont jamais eu dans le passé. Mais ce niveau de matérialité est souvent acheté à un prix cher, après avoir vendu son âme au Egel Hazahav….
Les conflits entre Juifs sont devenus de pire en pire. Ce groupe déteste ce groupe, ce groupe déteste cet autre groupe, et tous ces groupes se battent les uns contre les autres, et sont également remplis de mensonges. Vous pouvez voir les pères contre les filles, les mères contre les fils, les maris contre leurs épouses, et les épouses contre leurs maris. Et puis vous avez les gens qui aiment cette terrible situation, et ravivent le feu.
Même les haredim sont frappés par cela, l’éducation est devenue un sujet dangereux. Tout le monde se rend compte que quelque chose de très mal se passe dans nos écoles, dans nos Yeshivot ; que les idées des non-juifs se sont infiltrées dans ces institutions si précieuses. Et le pire de tous est le Erev Rav (les juifs avec une grande haine pour les autres juifs) [ Zohar, et voir Même Shlama 11: 7].
Le Erev Rav dirige le pays. Mais aussi parmi les Harédim, on peut trouver ce Erev Rav (comme les Netouré Karta). Il règne en Amérique, et certainement dans le monde Hiloni (qui rejettent la Thora). Il règne en Europe. Il règne partout dans le monde. Partout où les Juifs sont, il y a aussi ce Erev Rav.
Mais cela ne va pas continuer, Hashem va très bientôt nous montrer des situations effrayantes. Nous sommes déjà en train de devenir mal à l’aise dans notre monde. Hachem fait cela étape par étape afin que les Juifs puissent comprendre ce qui se passe. Étape par étape, ils viendront vers la Vérité. Hachem permettra de préserver chaque âme qui s’est élevée au Har Sinaï (endroit où la Thora a été donné par Moché rabénou), mais pas le Erev Rav .
Lors du Don de la Thora, le Erev Rav se tenait en arrière, il se tenait loin, mais tous les Juifs qui se tenaient au Har Sinaï seront sauvés. Ceux qui sont les plus proches de Hachem vont moins souffrir; ceux qui sont plus loin de Hachem souffriront davantage …..
Am Yisrael, nous sommes confrontés à des moments les plus difficiles, et auxquels l’humanité n’a jamais été confronté. Les autres peuples, les Yishmaelim, les Notzrim, tous les goyim seront punis pour ce qu’ils ont fait pour ou contre la Am Yisrael [Téhilim 149, Ovadya 1, etc.].
Et Am Yisrael sera purifié, comme une vierge. Ils brilleront d’une lumière spirituelle qui permettra de différencier entre eux et celles des goyim qui vont restés. Ils seront les gens de la vérité et seulement la vérité. Il n’y aura pas de mensonges. Ceux (les non-juifs) qui restent seront justes et comprendront et accepteront la vérité ainsi.
Am Yisrael sera épargnée de la souffrance. Revenez à Hachem, revenez à la Torah, revenez à la vraie vie, du matin au soir avec Hashem et sa Torah. La plupart des juifs d’aujourd’hui estiment que c’est ennuyeux, chas vesholam (a D… ne plaise), mais il y a encore des juifs, Boruch Hashem ( D.. soit beni), qui se lève le matin, pour dire Modé ani , se lave les mains et débute la journée avec le cœur et l’âme pour satisfaire les commandements de Hachem. Ils ne s’ennuient pas, mais ils montent à des sphères les plus élevées spirituellement, et sont proches de Hakodosh Boruch Hu. Il n’y a rien de plus excitant et de plus enrichissant, et plus vrai dans ce monde, que n’importe quel autre monde, que d’être seulement avec Hachem.
Am Yisrael, ceux qui se sont élevés au Har Sinaï, nous sommes les graines qui sont plantées pour l’avenir, il faut croître et les multiplier et remplir l’univers. La création n’est pas terminée, elle se poursuit, et chaque juif fera partie de cette éternité. »
Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child 5775 #3
20 Kislev 5775 (Dec 11, ‘14)
Time is moving on and we are definitely getting very close to the Geula Shelaima. I think every true Jew, whether he is close to Hashem or a bit farther away, feels now is the time that the world is going to change completely. The Frum, the believing Jew will feel a kind of closeness to Hashem that he never felt before, even though every morning when he gets up he can feel a strange and frightening foreboding of what’s going to be in the future.
The Jew that is not so close to Hashem will also feel the fear and he will start thinking what this life is about. What do I have? What are my goals? What does it matter if I go to a football game or not? What does it matter if I get the job exactly that I want or get into the right university just right for me? What does it matter? What really matters in this life? All the entertainment? All the social life? What is life all about? Why are we living? Is it just one big accident, Chas Vesholom, an accident that brought us into life against our will to suffer, Chas Vesholom? The fear of what’s coming in the near future together with the suffering that we are already going through, are bringing some people, some Jews to question, at least to stop for a moment from their partying to ask what is this about, why is this happening.
These questions are not usually asked here in Eretz Yisroel because we are used here in Eretz Yisroel to go through many crisis and then the crisis disappears and we continue going on. Of course a certain amount of people are killed Shelo Naida and so on and so forth, but the ones that are left are the great majority and they can continue on with the life that they left, the life of enjoyment, of entertainment, of flying off to Europe, to Thailand, to who knows where, and enjoying themselves. As for the Frum we continue with our grand Bar Mitzvas and weddings and our own type of social entertainment. We continue with our restaurants, of course the most kosher, and all our entertainments with the best Hechsherim, our non-Tzniusdik dress with the best Hechsherim, and so on and so forth. Now however many people feel inside that we are not going to come out of this frightening projection of future events so easily. It’s not just going to pass.
There is going to be a tremendous change in the world, a tremendous change that will in the end destroy much of the world, and therefore there are those, that are starting to feel great fear, have bad dreams, unnerving dreams and wake up very many times with a choking feeling with a fear that grabs a person and makes it difficult to breathe, a fear that makes a person want to jump up out of bed and feel alive again and this is all from the fear and the spiritual pressure of the world that is about to explode, a world that is about to change completely. This world of ours is going to disappear the way it is now, and we must change also, so that we can survive the greatest change since the creation of the world. All the dire predictions that are being made for the near future should be taken seriously if we want to be part of what’s going to be, be part of the Geula Shelaima, and a much more spiritual life. We have to become close to Hashem. We have to do Hashem’s will. We have to be Yidden the way we are supposed to be.
We must! We must do Hashem’s will completely in every aspect, to bend ourselves completely to Hashem, to His Ratzon. Otherwise we will never be able to go into the new world of Moshiach Tzidkainu.
I’ve many times spoken to you again and again on the subject, and maybe you are tired of hearing this even though I’ve tried saying it in a different way each time to make you understand better and better. I will try again anyway. I will try to make you understand that this is a great year. This year is a great and frightening year. This year is when many things will change in the greatest way. The wars have already begun. Blood is flowing freely. We are not even impressed anymore when the barbarians cut people’s heads off, but we are terribly disturbed or will be terribly disturbed when we won’t be able to get a kosher hamburger or coca cola or just plain food. We will be terribly disturbed when we see great cities falling, destroyed together with their population, Shelo Naida, all disappearing.
We will be greatly disturbed to say the least. How will we be able to overcome our feelings? How will we be able to get through all of this because even if we don’t actually see this happening next to us it will be such a shock when we know so many people in those places and even if we don’t know them still it will be a shock. It will be a terrible shock. I don’t think that any generation before ours since the Creation, except for of course Sedom and Ammorah experienced such a thing, such a catastrophe, such a horrible terrible type of destruction. Even in Sedom and Ammorah it wasn’t the size of what’s going to be now. It’s dwarfed next to what’s going to be now. Don’t you understand? There will be plenty of bloodshed here in Eretz Yisroel, Shelo Naida, but it won’t be destroyed. Those that are far from Hashem and don’t have the Zechus to come back to Hashem will be destroyed with the buildings, will be destroyed with the Edomites and the Yishmaelites and all other peoples that don’t accept Hakodosh Boruch Hu as their Creator. So what do we have to do? How can we get through all of this? We have to believe completely that whatever Hashem does is for our good, no matter what.
There is only one relationship in this world. It is the person with Hakodosh Boruch Hu. That may sound difficult for you because you have children, you have husbands, you have wives that you love very much. True, but when push comes to shove we are only the children of Hakodosh Boruch Hu, all of us, and we have been in many Gilgulim here in this world and in every Gilgul we might have had a different husband, a different wife, children not always the same, and we have had different situations that we had to overcome. We are so low and now is our chance finally to pull ourselves up and come back.
When we get to the point where we greet Moshiach, Be’ezras Hashem, don’t worry. Every Neshoma will have its true, true Zivig and every child will know its true parents, and we all will know and feel and have no question about the fact that we as a people have only one Father and that is Hakodosh Boruch Hu, and our whole lives, our whole beings will be involved in only one occupation coming closer and closer to Him. In order to come closer to Him we will eventually drop all our flesh and blood characteristics and become totally, totally spiritual and become one with Him.
Lately we have seen many tragedies. Tonight one of the Bochurim that was killed in the tragic car accident in Holland was buried. He has a very special name, Langleben, “a long life”. May he have a long life, a life of eternity, he was a Bochur that was working to be close to Hashem as was the other boy that was killed. Both trying their best to be good Jews, trying to do what Hashem wants us to do.
Why did they have to die? I can’t answer you why these particular ones had to die, but I can tell you this that the latest tragedies are a message to us that we must, must do Teshuva, and realize what we are doing wrong. When Hashem brings down so many tragedies on Am Yisroel at one time we must stop and think and take stock of our lives of what we may be doing wrong.
There was a terrible incident in Crown Heights also, and lately there have been many tragedies all over the Frum Jewish world Shelo Naidah. We must open our eyes and try to figure out where we are going wrong. It’s not a pat on the back for us. It’s a Potsh in the face for us so we will wake up.
So please understand that Hashem is not happy. He wants to save His Am, but generally speaking we are going in the wrong direction. Am Yisroel you better wake up! Stop the Machlokes. Stop the Pritzus. Stop the running after the Gashmius. Stop the gluttony and come back to what’s real. The only thing that is real is Hakodosh Boruch Hu and His Torah.
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Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child 5775 #3
20 Kislev 5775 (Dec 11, ‘14)
“Why Are We Living”
Time is moving on and we are definitely getting very close to the Geula Shelaima. I think every true Jew, whether he is close to Hashem or a bit farther away, feels now is the time that the world is going to change completely. The Frum, the believing Jew will feel a kind of closeness to Hashem that he never felt before, even though every morning when he gets up he can feel a strange and frightening foreboding of what’s going to be in the future.
The Jew that is not so close to Hashem will also feel the fear and he will start thinking what this life is about. What do I have? What are my goals? What does it matter if I go to a football game or not? What does it matter if I get the job exactly that I want or get into the right university just right for me? What does it matter? What really matters in this life? All the entertainment? All the social life? What is life all about? Why are we living? Is it just one big accident, Chas Vesholom, an accident that brought us into life against our will to suffer, Chas Vesholom? The fear of what’s coming in the near future together with the suffering that we are already going through, are bringing some people, some Jews to question, at least to stop for a moment from their partying to ask what is this about, why is this happening.
These questions are not usually asked here in Eretz Yisroel because we are used here in Eretz Yisroel to go through many crisis and then the crisis disappears and we continue going on. Of course a certain amount of people are killed Shelo Naida and so on and so forth, but the ones that are left are the great majority and they can continue on with the life that they left, the life of enjoyment, of entertainment, of flying off to Europe, to Thailand, to who knows where, and enjoying themselves. As for the Frum we continue with our grand Bar Mitzvas and weddings and our own type of social entertainment. We continue with our restaurants, of course the most kosher, and all our entertainments with the best Hechsherim, our non-Tzniusdik dress with the best Hechsherim, and so on and so forth. Now however many people feel inside that we are not going to come out of this frightening projection of future events so easily. It’s not just going to pass.
There is going to be a tremendous change in the world, a tremendous change that will in the end destroy much of the world, and therefore there are those, that are starting to feel great fear, have bad dreams, unnerving dreams and wake up very many times with a choking feeling with a fear that grabs a person and makes it difficult to breathe, a fear that makes a person want to jump up out of bed and feel alive again and this is all from the fear and the spiritual pressure of the world that is about to explode, a world that is about to change completely. This world of ours is going to disappear the way it is now, and we must change also, so that we can survive the greatest change since the creation of the world. All the dire predictions that are being made for the near future should be taken seriously if we want to be part of what’s going to be, be part of the Geula Shelaima, and a much more spiritual life. We have to become close to Hashem. We have to do Hashem’s will. We have to be Yidden the way we are supposed to be.
We must! We must do Hashem’s will completely in every aspect, to bend ourselves completely to Hashem, to His Ratzon. Otherwise we will never be able to go into the new world of Moshiach Tzidkainu.
I’ve many times spoken to you again and again on the subject, and maybe you are tired of hearing this even though I’ve tried saying it in a different way each time to make you understand better and better. I will try again anyway. I will try to make you understand that this is a great year. This year is a great and frightening year. This year is when many things will change in the greatest way. The wars have already begun. Blood is flowing freely. We are not even impressed anymore when the barbarians cut people’s heads off, but we are terribly disturbed or will be terribly disturbed when we won’t be able to get a kosher hamburger or coca cola or just plain food. We will be terribly disturbed when we see great cities falling, destroyed together with their population, Shelo Naida, all disappearing.
We will be greatly disturbed to say the least. How will we be able to overcome our feelings? How will we be able to get through all of this because even if we don’t actually see this happening next to us it will be such a shock when we know so many people in those places and even if we don’t know them still it will be a shock. It will be a terrible shock. I don’t think that any generation before ours since the Creation, except for of course Sedom and Ammorah experienced such a thing, such a catastrophe, such a horrible terrible type of destruction. Even in Sedom and Ammorah it wasn’t the size of what’s going to be now. It’s dwarfed next to what’s going to be now. Don’t you understand? There will be plenty of bloodshed here in Eretz Yisroel, Shelo Naida, but it won’t be destroyed. Those that are far from Hashem and don’t have the Zechus to come back to Hashem will be destroyed with the buildings, will be destroyed with the Edomites and the Yishmaelites and all other peoples that don’t accept Hakodosh Boruch Hu as their Creator. So what do we have to do? How can we get through all of this? We have to believe completely that whatever Hashem does is for our good, no matter what.
There is only one relationship in this world. It is the person with Hakodosh Boruch Hu. That may sound difficult for you because you have children, you have husbands, you have wives that you love very much. True, but when push comes to shove we are only the children of Hakodosh Boruch Hu, all of us, and we have been in many Gilgulim here in this world and in every Gilgul we might have had a different husband, a different wife, children not always the same, and we have had different situations that we had to overcome. We are so low and now is our chance finally to pull ourselves up and come back.
When we get to the point where we greet Moshiach, Be’ezras Hashem, don’t worry. Every Neshoma will have its true, true Zivig and every child will know its true parents, and we all will know and feel and have no question about the fact that we as a people have only one Father and that is Hakodosh Boruch Hu, and our whole lives, our whole beings will be involved in only one occupation coming closer and closer to Him. In order to come closer to Him we will eventually drop all our flesh and blood characteristics and become totally, totally spiritual and become one with Him.
Lately we have seen many tragedies. Tonight one of the Bochurim that was killed in the tragic car accident in Holland was buried. He has a very special name, Langleben, “a long life”. May he have a long life, a life of eternity, he was a Bochur that was working to be close to Hashem as was the other boy that was killed. Both trying their best to be good Jews, trying to do what Hashem wants us to do.
Why did they have to die? I can’t answer you why these particular ones had to die, but I can tell you this that the latest tragedies are a message to us that we must, must do Teshuva, and realize what we are doing wrong. When Hashem brings down so many tragedies on Am Yisroel at one time we must stop and think and take stock of our lives of what we may be doing wrong.
There was a terrible incident in Crown Heights also, and lately there have been many tragedies all over the Frum Jewish world Shelo Naidah. We must open our eyes and try to figure out where we are going wrong. It’s not a pat on the back for us. It’s a Potsh in the face for us so we will wake up.
So please understand that Hashem is not happy. He wants to save His Am, but generally speaking we are going in the wrong direction. Am Yisroel you better wake up! Stop the Machlokes. Stop the Pritzus. Stop the running after the Gashmius. Stop the gluttony and come back to what’s real. The only thing that is real is Hakodosh Boruch Hu and His Torah.